There would hardly be a school in Australia that didn't have a gifted artist amongst its STUDENTS, TEACHERS OR FRIENDS OF THE SCHOOL
The concept of using a Draw-it-Yourself book as a fund raiser is simple.
Firstly, as I am the author of the story, and the concept, there is no problem regarding copyright. As long as you 'Purchased' the book, either from me, or a book outlet (not yet available, but I am working on it) then you are entitled to draw the illustrations to match the preceding text on each page as the story is rolled out.
The story has been especially designed to allow the artist(s) to match the illustration with the action, but the artist has complete freedom of interpretation of the text - and the paper used is 110gsm cartridge (sketch) paper which allows for sketching, charcoal drawing or painting.
All the school has to do is select the potential artist(s) and then obtain a copy of the book(s). If there is to be more than one artist and you want to share the workload between them there is no real problem. The books are comb bound (plastic) which allows for the book to be seperated for painting, sketching or drawing as the artist(s) prefers, (but not for reproduction) providing you have access to a comb binder.
The idea is to have Students, Teachers or Friends of the School do the drawings and sign them before reassembling the book.
The book can then be used in a variety of ways, eg: Raffle Prize - Auction at a school function and so on and all profits go to the school. Who knows - perhaps the eventual owner of the book may even hand it back to the school for posterity.
It is completely up to the school whether they can raise funds with one single book or a classroom full. The books cost $15a each plus postage and, unfortunately I am not in a position to negotiate on multi buys, though I believe I can still fit two copies of the book in the one envelope which at least saves on postage costs, providing Australia Post hasn't changed the rules again.
What I do offer, at no charge whatsoever, is to laminate the front and back cover of the book - and to print the name of the artist(s) on the front cover.
However this depends on whether you know the artist(s) name(s) at the time of placing an order. If the book is laminated first then their name(s) cannot* be printed or written on the front cover, but can be inserted on the inside cover. (* please contact me for further advice on this should you have a problem with this.)
The choice is yours, but if the artist(s) name is/are to be printed on the front cover I will need an e-mail list of the name(s) to be printed along with my own as author.
You can contact me on shortfatstubbyfingers@yahoo.com.au if you have any further queries.
In the meantime please have a look at the books currently on offer and there will be several more to be released in 2016.