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The Edge of Nightfall -

the Board Game

The Edge of Darkness - The Board Game is a unique style of board game because I have tweaked the rules of play to make it suitable for one player - two players - or 6 players.


The game is based on events that take place in the first two stories from The Edge of Nightfall and involves the player(s) having to traverse the board continually until they have lost all 6 lives they were given at the start of the game, or obtained their objective.   Players are playing against each other, and everybody is playing against the CREATURE.


So remember, no quarter is given.  It is a win or die situation and you can play it all by yourself - and still lose.

This will be an el-cheapo  game, retailing around about $10 - $20 aud each (hopefully), complete with el-cheapo parts, but it won't distract from the enjoyment of the game because, after all, don't you enjoy playing board games for the company that plays with you, or to beat the devil out of the opposition (although you won't always 'fess up to that).  Well, this is the game that provides the fun.  Mainly because if one person is winning by miles the others can gang up on them and set the creature on them, but it can backfire and turn on them.   And even you  are playing the single version there can be unexpected twists and turns.   Not a hard game to play, but it should be a lot of fun ... that's what it was created for.





DUE 2017/18



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